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Saturday, April 27, 2024
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  • Date : Mon May 23, 2022
  • news code : 6361
A consultation meeting on attracting foreign investors in the message was held
'With the aim of attracting more foreign investors and facilitating their establishment, creating a single investment window in the special area is on the agenda,' said Payam Special Economic Zone and International Airport Managing Director.


Akbar Ghanbarpour at a meeting with the Director General of the Foreign Investment Office of Iran's Foreign Investment and Economic and Technical Assistance of Iran and Alborz Economics and Finance Managers, emphasizing that special attention in the Special Economic Zone The message is support for domestic and foreign investors: To this end, one of the most important programs is to create a single window to provide services to foreign investors to facilitate the process of investment and business licenses in the message for these companies. .
He said that up to 10 % of the employed troops in the Special Economic Zone can be attracted from foreign forces: Currently more than 260 domestic investors have been sent to the message and the share of foreign investors is 1 %; We are planning to increase the share of foreign investors in the anticipated programs for deployment in the area to 5 %.
Also at the meeting, the tax, customs and insurance problems of investors based in the Special Area were reviewed and the necessary arrangements were taken to address these problems and further support for investment in the Special Economic Zone of the message.

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